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Our Places

Eastern Bay Spatial Plan


What is a spatial plan?

A spatial plan is about the whenua, the places we live and how they might be shaped to benefit future generations.

Information is gathered about people, towns, water, flooding, erosion, roading, landscapes, land uses, soils, business, native species and weather, providing a snapshot of where we are now.

Combined with Mātauranga Māori and additional information from you – the people of the Eastern Bay of Plenty – this snapshot then becomes a completed picture.

The completed picture provides guidance about where the best places might be for putting new houses, spaces that must be protected, places to put major roads and where to prioritise investing money to improve the wellbeing of people and the environment.

Key steps


Establish governance arrangements for the spatial plan.

Examine existing data from across the Eastern Bay.

Undertake new technical work to confirm goals, constraints and options.

Establish 'Friends of Our Places'.


Community engagement on priorities and options.

Select a preferred growth option and transformative outcomes for wellbeings.

Begin to draft an implementation programme.


Writing the spatial plan and implementation programme.

Engagement to wrap up loose ends, if required.

Final approvals by Councils and iwi authorities.