Who’s involved?
The Our Places – Eastern Bay Spatial Plan is developed by people who live in the Eastern Bay, with expert advice and input as required.
Project Structure
Councils and iwi authorities guide the approach and approve the final plan.
Project governance group seeks agreement between partners and recommends approval of the final plan
Project leadership group provides technical oversight and direction to prepare the plan
[both these include representatives from Council, iwi authorities, government agencies]
Project working groups
Experts across planning, mātauranga Māori, infrastructure, communications and engagement, and planning who develop the project work.
Project control group
Senior Council staff who oversee and guide project processes
Iwi / hapū advise on how to give life to aspirations
Friends of Our Places, community groups and people in the Eastern Bay represent interests of the eastern bay for the project
Iwi/Hapū involvement
Working in genuine partnership with iwi/hapū is important at all stages of the spatial planning process.
The spatial planning process provides a unique opportunity to bring life to iwi/hapū aspirations in a long-term, collaborative planning document that will form the basis of investment discussions with councils and government departments for years to come.
The door is open to all iwi who whakapapa to the Eastern Bay rohe to participate in the process in the shape and form that best suits them.
Iwi have chosen to actively participate in the project as leaders and technicians, others have chosen to feedback at key points, or to wait until the plan is drafted to provide comment.
Iwi partners in the project are:
- Ngāitai
- Whakatōhea
- Te Whānau a Apanui
- Ngāti Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau
- Ngāti Rangitihi
- Ngāti Awa
- Ngāti Manawa
- Ngāti Whare
Friends of Our Places
Friends of Our Places are people who have been invited early-on to inform the spatial plan content, in addition to the Eastern Bay of Plenty iwi/hapū partners, so the spatial plan reflects the widest possible community intelligence, in addition to iwi/hapū partners and the technical evidence-based scientific content.
The Friends of Our Places will contribute to the development of the spatial plan through:
- their industry knowledge, needs and planning
- helping to shape the spatial plan content
- aligning work programmes where appropriate for mutual benefit.
Friends of Our Places complement broader community engagement to help ensure the spatial plan is well aligned to local needs so that it is on target when community engagement takes place.
The people of the Eastern Bay
This is where you come in…
There are around 55,000 people living in the Eastern Bay. This is expected to rise to 70,000 by 2055.
Our Places – Eastern Bay Spatial Plan will provide a road map that clarifies where business and infrastructure should go, where our environment should be enhanced and managed, and where people can live safely and sustainably.
In 2024, the people of the Eastern Bay will be invited to provide input to Our Places – Eastern Bay Spatial Plan.