About the process
The Our Places – Eastern Bay Spatial Plan will look at growth scenarios for where new housing and business land can go.
In 2024, we expect the community will be involved in providing feedback on proposed growth areas in each of the district council areas. The entire community will be asked about what you value and what you want to see delivered in your rohe/district/area.
These conversations will include what outcomes you would like to see for such things as housing affordability, economic development, placemaking, community safety, responding to climate change and social infrastructure etc.
Establish governance arrangements for the spatial plan.
Examine existing data from across the Eastern Bay.
Undertake new technical work to confirm goals, constraints and options.
Establish 'Friends of Our Places'.
Community engagement on priorities and options.
Select a preferred growth option and transformative outcomes for wellbeings.
Begin to draft an implementation programme.
Writing the spatial plan and implementation programme.
Engagement to wrap up loose ends, if required.
Final approvals by Councils and iwi authorities.